Every car accident has the potential to alter a person’s life in quite devastating ways, including substantial property damage, tragic injuries, or even death. The accidents that are caused by drunk drivers are particularly disturbing because chances are the entire incident could have been prevented. Never get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle if you have recently had alcohol or another drug in your system, as it can seriously hinder your ability to drive safely.
If you’ve been hit by someone and believe they could have been drunk driving, then there are some tips you to consider for when you’re at the scene and thereafter:
Wait For Police
Unless you are suffering from a severe injury that needs immediate medical attention, remains at the scene until an officer has arrived and can help handle the situation. The evidence you gather in the moments after the accident are going to make a big difference in your insurance claim and a lawsuit if you decide to pursue further compensation from the drunk driver at fault.
Give Your Story
When the officer arrives and asks what happened, provide facts and try to remain as clear-headed as possible. Understandably, you may be shaken up because of the collision, but try to focus on the main points you want to get across so that officer can include that in their report. In the days to follow, you can request a copy of the report from your local law enforcement office.
Get a Lawyer
Many victims of drunk driving accidents find the support they need from a reputable legal team who is experienced in handling cases like these. A lawyer can be a useful source of information, representation during court, and everything in between. As a drunk driving accident lawyer from The Lynch Law Group can attest, those who get help early after car accident are more likely to receive a fair amount in compensation for all they have endured.